Civilian Engineer Development Program
Australian Department of Defence
Posted 19 days ago
The Role
You do not have to join the Navy (wear a uniform) or serve at sea to have an exciting career as an engineer with Navy. If you are currently studying towards a four-year Bachelor's degree in Engineering, or have already graduated, you can apply for the Civilian Engineer Development Program (CEDP).
You will be employed as an Australian Public Servant APS 4 Graduate Trainee working with the Navy. You will commence with a salary package currently at $79,176 p.a. plus 15.4% superannuation. Upon successful completion of the specialist Civilian Engineer Development Program, you will progress to an APS 6 level.
The CEDP is a three year (36 month) program consisting of work experience rotations where you may be involved in research, design, documentation and providing technical advice and specialist engineering support to the Navy through the entire lifecycle of Navy ships, submarines and aircraft. Some examples of rotations during the Program include, but are not limited to: Cyber Systems, Electronic Warfare & Radar, Weapon Systems, Data Networks and Mine Counter Measure Systems. The CEDP program will provide opportunity to rotate for 6 month’s within other Defence Group and Services and an industry placement to broaden your experience, skills and knowledge.
Whilst you will commence the Program in either Canberra or Sydney you will have opportunities for travel and work in different locations across Australia. You will also receive financial appropriate assistance, (depending on your individual circumstance in accordance with the Defence Relocation Assistance Policy) for relocations required whilst on the Program, along with many other financial, lifestyle and educational benefits.
If you require further information please contact the Contact Officer on the front of this Information Pack, or you can visit our webpage at https://www.navy.gov.au/navy-civilian-engineer-development-program.
Application Closing Date: Wednesday 9 April 2025
For further information please review the job information pack, reference NAVY/01113/25 on https://defencecareers.nga.net.au/?jati=2536B9DD-6619-832C-ED56-E3926F4FCCDB
About Australian Department of Defence
The primary role of Defence is to defend Australia against armed attack.
Australia's defence policy is founded on the principle of self-reliance in the direct defence of Australia, but with a capacity to do more where there are shared interests with partners and allies.
Strategic Direction
The Defence White Paper was released on 25 February 2016 together with an Integrated Investment Program and Defence Industry Policy Statement.
Defence White Papers are the Government's most important guidance about Australia's long-term defence capability. They provide an opportunity for the Government and community to understand the the opportunities and challenges for Australia's future defence and security needs.
The White Paper provides a strategy aligned with capability and resources to deliver a future force that is more capable, agile and potent and ready to respond to future challenges.
Source: This is an extract from the company's own website.
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