OSHC Holiday Care Coordinator

Coburg West Primary School
Coburg, VIC
A$49.67-$50.17 p/h
Education & Training → Childcare & Outside School Hours Care

Posted 21 days ago

The purpose of the Role

The Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) Holiday Care Coordinator’s role is to lead and oversee the day-to-day operation, service development, implementation, and evaluation of the service. This will involve working directly with children within the OSHC Holiday program and focusing on the administration, planning, monitoring and management of the service. The coordinator will ensure that the quality of education and care offered is in keeping with the values, principles, policies and organisation values of the school.

Knowledge and Understanding

  • Strong working knowledge and understanding of the successful implementation of an effective OSHC Holiday program, including for children with additional needs, with demonstrated experience in different age groups.
  • Working knowledge of the National Quality Standards, the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 as required for the provision of OSHC programs.
  • Understanding of children, stages of development, multiple intelligences and learning styles.
  • Good understanding of learning technologies and their application to enhance learning along with good understanding of relevant Microsoft Software applications.


  • Actively working towards or hold an approved Diploma of Children’s Services / Bachelor of Education or equivalent
  • Current Working with Children Check (WWCC) card
  • Senior First aid training as prescribed in the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010.
  • Anaphylaxis and Asthma management training as prescribed in the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010
  • Capacity to develop and provide a dynamic and pro-active student-focused environment, based upon the My Place Our Time curriculum document and program philosophy
  • Demonstrated experience and ability to establish warm nurturing and responsive relationships with children and to sensitively meet their needs
  • Capacity to work with multi age groups
  • Efficient organisation
  • Positive communication and interpersonal skills with both children and adults
  • Effective and proactive problem solving and decision-making skills
  • Strong computer skills and ability to quickly develop working knowledge of relevant systems as required.


  • Compassion, patience, initiative and flexibility
  • Capacity to work as part of a team
  • Demonstrated commitment to professional and lifelong learning

Plan and implement a quality educational program

  • Lead the development and implementation of a program as part of the ongoing programming cycle, which will clearly documented for all relevant stakeholders.
  • Monitor the implementation of programmed activities through observations and gathering of information to ensure they are child-oriented and developmentally appropriate, to actively support children’s participation in the program.
  • Create an aesthetically inviting and relaxing OSHC environment which fosters creativity and independence and supports children’s physical and emotional wellbeing
  • Utilise a variety of teaching strategies that reflect the philosophy for the OSHC program, are guided by children’s developmental needs, interests and abilities, and are reflective, in daily work
  • Encourage children to develop independence and responsibility through the establishment of a proactive environment that builds confidence, resilience and a willingness to have a go.
  • Evaluate programs regularly and make appropriate modifications and recommendations to meet the individual needs of children.
  • Plan a varied program of interesting activities, including excursions and incursions, for each holiday care period and distribute this program at least three weeks prior to the school holidays.
  • Monitor, support, guide and supervise educators in the implementation of programmed activities as required

Promote the Health Safety of all Staff and Children

  • Develop a strong working knowledge of relevant policies and procedures and ensure daily practices are in accordance with these requirements.
  • Be responsible for workplace health and safety within the service and immediately record and report any potential or actual hazards as well as record and notify of any injuries or dangerous occurrences which may occur during OSHC Holiday Program times.
  • Conduct regular fire drills and lockdowns in accordance with National Regulation requirements.
  • Ensure the food prepared for OSHC on a daily basis is appropriate for all children, including those with specific medical requirements and is served appropriately in accordance with the services policies and procedures.
  • Ensure children have access to appropriate first aid as required, following medical and risk management plans or administer medication as required in line with policies and procedures.
  • Develop and maintain OSHC equipment register to ensure resources and equipment is correctly stored, maintained and regularly cleaned and checked, as required, and remains organised and tidy.
  • Support and comply with relevant legislative/regulatory requirements such as Occupational Health and Safety, Equal Opportunity, Discrimination, Harassment and Privacy and the service policies and procedures.

Build Positive Partnerships with Relevant Stakeholders

  • Work co-operatively, ethically, and respectfully with other educators and support each other’s professional development
  • Develop and maintain respectful, supportive, collaborative and responsive relationships with children and their families that are sensitive and understanding of the different needs of families.
  • Provide suitable orientation and information for distribution to new families
  • Share any concerns or information immediately with the Person with Management or Control in regard to issues involving children, parents and staff, ensuring that total confidentiality and privacy is maintained at all times.

Contribute to Effective Service Management

  • Report directly to the Person with Management or Control both verbally and via written reports as required, to maintain clear communication about all aspects relevant to the operation of the program.
  • Lead the development and review of operational policies and procedures specific for OSHC as required, as set down by the National Quality Standards, the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010, the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 and My Time Our Place Framework.
  • Ensure all operations of the OSHC program are supportive of the program Philosophy.
  • Monitor daily attendance rolls for OSHC, making alterations as required, enter data as required for attendances into computer software system.
  • Provide a relevant orientation process for all new educators to join the OSHC team to clearly inform them of the requirements and other procedural aspects of the day-to-day provision of the program
  • Attend professional development opportunities as appropriate or as directed to ensure knowledge and skills are up to date with current practices and trends in the OSHC sector and the maintenance of appropriate qualifications for the position.
  • Drive continuous improvement and development of service area, including for the Assessment and Rating process using the Quality Improvement Plan and Strategic Inclusion Plan while working collaboratively across the service.
  • Maintain, drive, and continually contribute to the Quality Improvement Plan of the service.
  • Attend Parent Information Evenings as required
  • Demonstrate punctuality and reliability for all work commitments
  • Assist with the completion of administrative tasks, accurately and in a timely manner, including completion of medical records, collection of data or other record keeping matters as requested.
  • Undertake other duties, which from time to time may be required, under the scope of the OSHC Holiday Care Coordinator role.

Staff Management

  • Manage the recruitment of staff in collaboration with the person with management or control.
  • Undertake annual workplace appraisal process for the OSHC Holiday Care program, ensuring ongoing performance development plans and conducted with staff and includes planning implementation, review and evaluation.
  • Ensure individual staff records are maintained in accordance with the Education and Care services National Regulation requirements.
  • Conduct and participant in staff/team meetings to ensure staff have the opportunity for regular consultation and feedback.
  • Foster a culture where everyone is valued, respected, and recognised by apply workplace diversity and equity principals
  • Rosters are maintained, implemented, and monitored in accordance with the required educator to child ratios.
  • Promote positive teamwork within the OSHC Holiday Care service.
  • Complete a comprehensive induction process for OSHC Holiday Care staff and volunteers, ensuring these are developed and maintained.

Nominated Supervisor

  • Any complaints and/ or grievances are managed in accordance with the policy and procedures, dealt with in a timely manner and reported to the Person with Management or Control.
  • As required, information is logged and reported to Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) through the NQAITS portal, and that the Person with Management or Control is notified of any reports made.
  • People at all levels understand the relevance of maintaining and strictly observe confidentiality.
  • Develop, implement and review policies and procedures to comply with the requirements of the Education and Care Services National regulations.
  • Ensure all stakeholders follow policies and procedures.
  • Ensure accurate records for the service are maintained.

Educational Leader

  • Lead the OSHC team to plan, implement, assess and review a high quality and diverse educational program based on the National Quality Framework, My Time Our Place and the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework with reference to the National Quality Standards, considering the developmental needs, interests and abilities of all the children attending the service.
  • Lead the team of educators to actively support every child to participate in the program and ensure the program promotes children’s agency, choices and influence.
  • Lead the team of educators in the development and delivery of effective and valuable documentation of children’s learning in accordance with the service philosophy and the learning outcomes.
  • Lead the team of educators to utilise a variety of pedagogical strategies, including intentional teaching and reflective practices in their daily work.

Budget and Finance Management and Administration

  • Follow OSHC Holiday Care program budget requirements given for each term and account for any expenditures in accordance with school procedures to ensure resource supplies are maintained
  • Work collaboratively with the Business Manager to prepare, monitor and review the services annual budget and fee structure in consultation with the Business Manager.
  • Monitor appropriate financial checks and balance systems.
  • Work in collaboration with Business Manager to undertake responsibilities relating to accounts, billing, financial returns, monthly incomes and expenditure statements including but not limited to Child Care Subsidy payments.
  • In collaboration with Business Manager, prepare wages and/or relevant date, ensuring payslips are provided and all employee financial records re regularly maintained.
  • Assume oversight of debt collection, banking, reconciliation, and petty cash management.

About Coburg West Primary School

Coburg, VIC, Australia

Coburg West Primary School has been serving the community for 100 years and is dedicated to developing each individual child for an exciting and successful future. The school proudly represents a broad range of cultural backgrounds that contribute to the unique character of Coburg West. Our school is highly regarded for our well rounded, inclusive programs and accomplishments in student learning.

With a strong belief of education being a partnership between home and school we value the contribution of our parent and wider community and encourage parent involvement in our programs working alongside our teachers and being actively involved in the life of the school. We have a clear focus of placing our students at the centre of all that we do at Coburg West and as a result there are outstanding educational programs and opportunities in place to develop and challenge all our students.

Source: This is an extract from the company's own website.

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