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Operations Manager Unit Support - East Gippsland

Victoria State Emergency Service
Bairnsdale, VIC
A$106,534 p/a +15% Commt Allown +11.5% Super
Community Services & Development → Management

Posted 25 days ago

  • $106,534 to $117,716+ 15% Commuted Allowance + 11.5% Super
  • Ongoing, Full Time
  • Requirement: The successful candidate will need to be able to travel from their home or another non-work location to the Bairnsdale Regional Office or Bairnsdale Regional Incident Control Centre within 60 minutes from being notified when rostered on as the Duty Officer Outside of Ordinary Hours.


The Operations Manager - Unit Support leads a Unit Support Team (UST), and is responsible for ensuring service delivery, general guidance and support of VICSES Volunteer Units.

The Operations Manager Unit Support is required to manage people issues, projects and business planning that contribute to operational readiness and to build the capability and capacity of their Units and their members. They also contribute to operational doctrine and capability development and the application of the emergency management arrangements at the regional / municipal level.

This role will actively undertake operational command and control functions during specific local, regional and/or state-wide operations performing the Duty Officer function and/or Incident Management Team (IMT) role by maintaining appropriate accreditation, ensuring the appropriate advice, support and allocation of resources for emergency readiness and response. The Operations Manager role is aligned to the Regional Agency Commander and Incident Controller / Operations Officer positions during Incident Management.

For more information on Commuted Allowance/IMT/Duty Officer role, please see this factsheet


Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) is a volunteer-based emergency service. Our highly skilled and equipped Volunteers are trained comprehensively in a wide range of emergency environments. To minimise the impact of emergencies when they occur and strengthen the community's capacity to recover swiftly and safely, VICSES focuses on working with communities and partners in building resilience to achieve more aware, informed and prepared communities. We support them to understand their risk and the relevance of taking action before, during and after emergency events.

As the largest road rescue network in Australia we have specialist teams that provide a 24/7 response to road accident and trauma incidents. We assist Victoria Police in search and rescue operations, and play an important role in supporting the Country Fire Authority (CFA), Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV), Parks Victoria and the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) during major bushfire and emergency incidents.


Please view the Position Description and submit an application via careers.vic

Applications should include a cover letter detailing your relevant skills and experience, along with a current resume or CV.

For further information about the role, please contact Cameron Rothnie on 0456 811 628

Applications close Monday, 17 March 2025.

VICSES is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to being a child safe organisation and are taking a leadership role in gender equality in the emergency management sector. For more information on our values and the benefits of working with us, please click here - ses.vic.gov.au/join-us/careers

About Victoria State Emergency Service

Bairnsdale, VIC, Australia

We are committed to developing and strengthening community partnerships to help keep all Victorians safe during emergencies.

A volunteer-based organisation, VICSES provides emergency assistance to the community 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

VICSES is the control agency during emergency responses to floods, storms, earthquakes and tsunamis in Victoria, and is the largest provider of road rescue in the state.

We also assist the Victoria Police in search and rescue operations, and play an important support role during major bushfire responses.

As well as providing support on the ground, VICSES plays an important role in assisting municipal councils and their communities with emergency management plans, providing advice, information, education and training.

Source: This is an extract from the company's own website.

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