School Nurse
Williamstown High School
Posted 7 days ago
Location Profile
Much like the town of Williamstown itself, Williamstown High School is steeped in a rich history. The Yalukit-willam clan of the Kulin nation were the first people to live where our two campuses are situated, and they called it "koort-boork-boork", meaning "She-oak, She-oak, many” - a reference to the abundance of She-oak trees across the Hobson’s Bay municipality. Today, the school maintains a focus on the environment with the Bayview Middle Years (7-9) Campus being located on the Port Phillip Bay waterfront, and featuring award-winning and environmentally sustainable building designs. The adjacent Jawbone Marine Sanctuary has also enabled the creation of an engaging and environmentally focused curriculum for students, that reflects the unique surroundings, and is complemented by our Marine Science program. The Pasco Later Years (10-12) Campus comprises a unique variety of architectural styles. Our oldest school building dates from 1867, and the most recent addition, our Centenary Theatre, opened in April 2017, contributing to a visually interesting and mature learning environment to meet the needs of our students as they move towards VCE studies.
A Williamstown High School education supports students to observe that “We are Respectful, We are Learners [and] We are Safe” - a message we have carefully crafted as a lead school in School Wide Positive Behaviours Support (SWPBS), and which is immediately visible throughout the school environment and enthusiastically supported by our 125 teachers and 30 ES Staff.
We create a dynamic learning culture that promotes integrity, innovation and the individual, and that values:
- excellence and creativity in our achievements and ambitions
- integrity and honesty in our actions and relationships
- diversity in our curriculum, in each other and in our community
- strong and open communication between our school and our homes, and between our teachers, our students and our families
- a commitment to social justice and a passion to protect and improve our environment and our community
Williamstown High School opened as a government high school in 1915 on the Pasco Street site of the original Williamstown Borough Grammar School. The school colours - red, yellow and black - were adopted from the flag of Belgium to draw inspiration from the spirit and resilience shown by the Belgians in World War One, and the anchor in the logo was used to honour the nearby Naval Depot. The school’s maritime association continued when our motto ‘Hold Fast’ - a sailing cry encouraging commitment, determination, loyalty, strength and courage, won out over “Don’t Drift”. Today, the school caters for more than 1480 students from years 7 to 12 on two campuses that are a ten-minute walk apart. The Bayview Street Middle Years Campus is built on the site of the former Point Gellibrand Girls’ Secondary College which it merged with in 2000. The Pasco Street Later Years Campus is housed in several heritage buildings, including the original 1867 Williamstown Borough Grammar School block. Centenary celebrations and strong community support has delivered a state-of-the-art 300 seat theatre to the campus, completing Stage One of the Performing Arts Centre of Excellence facilities.
In addition to co-educational home groups, the school offers a Select Entry Accelerated Learning program, an International Students’ program and a dynamic and growing STEM/STEAM culture where our students engage in Robotics and other technologies that are fast-becoming essential areas of need and development as the twenty-first century progresses. We also offer an Accelerated Sports program which includes triathlon, netball, soccer, basketball, cricket and lacrosse. Our excellent Music Program includes multiple Concert/Stage Bands and Guitar/Vocal Ensembles, in addition to Classroom and VET Music Programs. Our ensembles perform regularly, including at Generations in Jazz, the Victorian State Band Championships and numerous other local and interstate events. Our very special and iconic ‘Warchild’ concert also showcases the incredible talents of our young people and staff working together at this annual event.
While Williamstown High School is proud to perform strongly in NAPLAN, VCE Study Scores and ATAR results, we are most proud when we can help our diverse community of students grow, and that means from whatever position they are starting from. Our Literacy and Numeracy initiatives, community connections, care for our students’ wellbeing and the wellbeing of their learning, and attention to the pathways they will embark upon after moving on from us, means our focus on students’ growth and opportunities is targeted and ongoing, so that they can become their best selves. We encourage you to apply to join our special community, where we will warmly welcome you to contribute to the education and success of our young people.
For more information, please visit the school website at:
Selection Criteria
SC1 Demonstrated capacity to perform duties consistent with established guidelines and frameworks, including coordinating and supporting others
SC2 Demonstrated capacity to communicate effectively in a team environment, including high level oral and written communication skills.
SC3 Possess the technical knowledge and expertise relevant to the position.
SC4 Demonstrated capacity to provide advice and support to management and other school staff in respect to health and wellbeing needs.
SC5 A commitment to professional learning and growth for both self and others.
School nurses promote the optimal health, wellbeing and development of students in a school setting. This may include a focus on one or more of the following: health monitoring and surveillance; health promotion, education and counselling; and the provision of primary health care to students. School nurses also make early identification, and intervention for students and families at risk.
School nurses practice collaboratively with other members of the school's education and health and wellbeing team and may also make referrals to other health practitioners to support the health and wellbeing needs of students.
School nurses are an integral part of the school community. In promoting optimal student health wellbeing and development, school nurses play a pivotal role in enabling students to meet their full educational potential.
School nursing is predominantly performed by registered nurses. All nurses practice in accordance with the legal, ethical, and professional framework set out by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.
The context of school nursing can vary. The Victorian School Nursing Program is delivered by registered nurses. Within the Primary School Nursing Program, school nurses focus on monitoring and making early identification and intervention around child health, wellbeing, and development. Within the Secondary School Nursing Program, school nurses focus on child and adolescent health promotion, education, and counselling.
Outside of the Victorian School Nursing Program, school nurses focus significantly on the provision of primary health care to students. Their role can also involve early identification and intervention around child health, wellbeing and development, and undertaking nursing activities relating to health promotion, education and counselling.
In this setting, school nursing is predominantly performed by registered nurses, however, limited activities of nursing care can be delegated to an enrolled nurse.
Enrolled nurses must practice under the delegation and supervision of the registered nurse, and in accordance with the delegation and supervision framework set out by Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.
The School Nurse will work as a member of the Student Engagement and Wellbeing Team (SEWT) to plan, implement and review the health, engagement and wellbeing areas of the Annual Implementation Plan.
The School Nurse will be responsible for:
- working with the SEW team across the school to support student engagement, health and wellbeing including through presentations
- address student health and wellbeing through curriculum in the Homegroup program
- assess and support students, engaging support outside of the school where necessary, to promote regular school attendance
- supporting teachers and leaders at student support group (SSG) meetings as appropriate
- providing health advice to the Additional Learning Need (ALN)s Leaders to understand all student learning and health needs so to provide engaging, rigorous and challenging learning opportunities for all students
- proactively engaging with students during breaks so to develop rapport and positive relationships
- work alongside Homegroup teachers, Team Co-ordinators and Team Leaders to gauge needs of all students at the campus
- work as part of the Student Engagement and Wellbeing (SEW) team to provide feedback and resources for the Homegroup program so we can be proactive in addressing all student needs
- work alongside Student Welfare Co-ordinators and Mental Health Practitioners to allocate referrals in an appropriate way so that needs can be met
- meet with referred students and others where the team has deemed need exists, determining and employing strategies to provide support
- undertake the required DET steps to manage incidents, ie. student sexual offending, and support others to do so
- provide health advice to teachers and leaders to ensure Individual Education Plan (IEP)s, for students with a health related diagnosis or similar, are developed and implemented
- provide health advice to leaders work to ensure Disability Inclusion (DI) (formerly Program for Students with Disabilities) student needs are identified and documented in IEPs and assessments and applications are undertaken as new needs are identified
- provide health advice and work with ALN Leaders and Curriculum Leader to lead Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority VCAA Special Provision for students, as required, and also `special provision' for Year 9-11 students as appropriate
- Implement nursing interventions including referral as appropriate, via the child's parent or guardian, to health professionals/agencies
- Provide a follow-up service, which ensures children with health-related problems receive appropriate assistance
- Carry out health promotion/education within program guidelines and act as a health resource to the school community
- Act as an advocate for children and promote child health as a member of an inter-disciplinary team, liaising effectively with parents teachers, health, welfare and education personnel
- Maintain accurate electronic records for assessment, referral, planning and implementation.
- Liaise with Primary schools where appropriate, to support the transition of students from primary to secondary school, particularly for those students identified as having special needs, or at risk.
- Observe safe working practices and protect own and others’ health and safety
- Supports the first aid facilities and assists in delivering first aid to students
- Undertakes administrative procedures associated with:
- delivery of various health wellbeing and therapeutic services to a school(s)
- health assessments
- delivery of health and wellbeing education and promotion programs in collaboration with school community
- provision of follow-up service for students
- medical alerts and specific medical condition
Who May Apply
- Current registration as a Division 1 Registered Nurse with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority.
- Current Victorian Working with Children Check.
- Current Victorian Drivers License.
- Relevant tertiary qualification and/or experience in the areas of child or adolescent health, health promotion, community health, mental health, sexual health, public health, primary health care, education, experience as an independent practitioner.
School Nurses undertake a variety of roles and responsibilities that may include (but are not limited to):
- Implement nursing interventions including referral as appropriate, via the child's parent or guardian, to health professionals/agencies
- Provide a follow-up service, which ensures children with health-related problems receive appropriate assistance
- Carry out health promotion/education within program guidelines and act as a health resource to the school community
- Act as an advocate for children and promote child health as a member of an inter-disciplinary team, liaising effectively with parents teachers, health, welfare and education personnel
- Maintain accurate electronic records for assessment, referral, planning and implementation.
- Liaise with Primary schools where appropriate, to support the transition of students from primary to secondary school, particularly for those students identified as having special needs, or at risk.
- Observe safe working practices and protect own and others¿ health and safety
- Supports the first aid facilities and assists in delivering first aid to students
- Undertakes administrative procedures associated with:
- delivery of various health wellbeing and therapeutic services to a school(s)
- health assessments
- delivery of health and wellbeing education and promotion programs in collaboration with school community
- provision of follow-up service for students
- medical alerts and specific medical condition
Conditions of Employment
- All staff employed by the Department and schools have access to a broad range of employment conditions and working arrangements.
- Appointment of successful applicants will be made subject to a satisfactory pre-employment conditions check.
- A probationary period may apply during the first year of employment and induction and support programs provided.
- Detailed information on all terms and conditions of employment is available on the Department's Human Resources website at
About Williamstown High School
Welcome to Williamstown High School. As you read through the pages of this site, you will learn about our wonderful students, our dynamic school, and observe the vibrancy and strength of our wider Williamstown High School community.
Williamstown High School is a multi-campus school with two quite unique and complementary campuses. Our Bayview Campus, catering for Year 7-9 students, was built on environmentally sustainable principles. The focus of the Middle Years campus is to ensure students successfully transition from primary school and are quickly engaged by a range of diverse, challenging and inclusive activities. Our Pasco Campus, catering for our Year 10-12 students, is housed in heritage listed buildings which provide a long and rich history. Here our students have access to a range of Year 10 electives, VCE, VET and VCAL certificates that allows each individual the opportunity to create a three year program that will see them well prepared for success in whatever pathway they wish to pursue.
Source: This is an extract from the company's own website.
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